Thursday, October 29, 2020

NYT on Guns

My opinions on The New York Times can be summed up as follows: no, it's not fake news, but it needs a more narrow mission. The 1619 project, The Rabbit Hole, and Nice White Parents were all important works, but NYT diminishes its own news-providing credibility by creating clearly slanted pieces like those. There's more to say on the matter, but I've already gotten off topic.

The reason I'm blowing dust off ye ole blog is that today's episode of NYT's "The Daily" is a must listen. It's about regular old Americans on the right and on the left who are buying weapons in order to gear up for the potential of civil unrest after next week's election. Find the episode here. Whatever you do, don't skip the conclusion. which calls to mind the words of Father Greg Boyle, who has put his finger squarely on what's the matter with us; on the heart of the matter: no kinship, no peace; no kinship, no justice.